Thursday, September 19, 2013

Beachbody Coach Home-Based Business

5 Ways Personal Trainers Can Benefit from a Beachbody Coach Home-Based Business

Five Ways Trainers and Gym Owners Can Benefit from a Beachbody Coach Home-Based Business

If you’re a personal trainer or a gym owner, have you ever considered a Home Based Business like Beachbody?
I know it’s very easy for personal trainers or gym owners to blow home fitness programs or a home based businesses off.  I’m here to ask you to re-consider.
I am a Beachbody Coach.  We have several personal trainers, figure competitors, and gym owners on our team.  I’m not trying to teach what they know or even trying to pretend I know what they know about Fitness & Nutrition.  However, many most trainers/gym owners don’t know what I know as a successful Beachbody Coach! 

Here are Five Reasons why I believe you should give being a Team Beachbody Coach a chance.

Expand your territory

Personal trainers and gym owners generally draw clients from a 2 – 10 mile radius, depending how large their city is and where the next gym is.  The competition could be fierce.  How many gyms and personal trainers are there in a major city?  How many personal trainers are in a mega-gym like LA Fitness?   I see a lot of personal trainers walking around my former gym (now LA Fitness) and looking for clients.  There seems to be a lot of extra time on their hands, and I seriously doubt most trainers are filling up an entire 40 – 60 hour work week with back to back clients.   So, wouldn’t it be nice to use Social Media like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc to be able to expand your territory? Think about it, how many people can you reach with your services just inside your gym?  How many people can you reach on Social Media?  Your territory on social media is unlimited. And having Products available to you like Shakeology, P90X, Insanity, Hip Hop Abs,  FOCUST25, a meal planner, protein bars, supplements, etc at your disposal will allow you to provide a service to your clients that you wouldn’t otherwise meet.  Trust me, you won’t lose your existing client base.  Don’t think like that.  Have a Producer mindset and look at the opportunity to expand your client base.

Learn how to motivate your clients better

Whether we are Beachbody coaches or personal trainers, we want our clients to have success.  However, no matter what products we have to offer or what $5,000 piece of gym equipment we teach people to use, if they don’t have the mindset to succeed, they won’t.  As far as I know, personal training focuses more on training people physically.  We (Beachbody Coaches) work on people mentally as well.   Ask any successful Beachbody coach and they will tell you we are in the People business rather than the product business.  As our CEO says “without our Beachbody coaches as a support system, we’re just another company selling fitness sh**.”   We teach our Coaches how to be Leaders and how to learn to motivate others by getting to their “WHY.”   We have to be good leaders to motivate people to work for themselves, and lead them to their dream life.  We’re not paying people like in a regular J.O.B. where the boss pays you and you do what they say.  Even as Trainers, your clients pay you, so ultimately they are the boss.  However, our job as successful Beachbody Coaches is to learn what motivates someone to want to achieve their goals.   Most of what we teach in our Coach training is all about people skills and personal development, not physical training or product training.   This enables our coaches to be better people on their J.O.B. and even better Trainers because of better relationships with their clients – which ultimately leads to more results for their clients.  As gym owners, you will even learn to have better relationships with your employees and clients thus keeping everyone happy!

As a career, being involved will enable you to diversify in your career.  Do you want to put all your eggs in one basket?  If you are a trainer at a gym, have you noticed how many gyms in your area have come and gone since you have been in the field?  Have you noticed how many managers have come and gone inside your gym?  How many trainers themselves have come and gone?  This is an extremely competitive, risky, and high-turnover field.  That means you should protect yourself and diversify your income base.  By creating a personal training online business, you can be fully diversified and create a residual income stream through our products like Shakeology and the supplements and also by creating a team that pays continually growing bonuses.  As a Gym Owner, what if you have Trainers that are continually jumping around from gym to gym, or move?  They leave and they can take their clients with them.  There goes your income stream from that client and that trainer.  I’m sure the bulk of income is made by just a few of the trainers.  If you are a gym owner, like the gym owners on my team have done, sign up as a Beachbody Coach and then sign up your trainers as Beachbody coaches.  Encourage team building and use of the products.  Then, if anybody leaves, they also have built their own business, and wherever they go, you will be attached to them.  You continue to receive residual income from that trainer and his/her clients!   I think that’s a no-brainer!!!

 Add Value to your clients and to the Gym

With a Beachbody business, you can bring in additional revenue to the gym and add additional value to your clients.  As a trainer, you can have your clients take advantage of all the nutrition programs that Beachbody has to offer – something that you probably aren’t currently able to offer them through the gym.  The Ultimate Reset Program, for a cleanse, Shakeology, and a Meal Planner which provides a service that most trainers can’t (nutrition advice).  Through our Challenge Groups, and the online virtual gym, you’ll be able to track your clients progress 24/7 – more often than the typical 2 – 3 times per week that they get to see you.   As a Gym Owner, you’ll be able to draw trainers that have a P90x Certification or Insanity Certification, and start running additional group fitness programs.   Eventually Beachbody will be offering even more certification programs, I am sure.  In addition, the gym can carry a full line of Supplements, Shakeology, protein bars, etc.   I know many gyms now have a smoothie bar.  Why not serve up Shakeology?    Plus, you can sign up your clients for home delivery of products through your business and make 25% commissions when people order without even visiting your gym!  Imagine if 100 of your gym members decided to buy Shakeology Home Delivery from you every month??  WOW!!  Let me do the math.  That’s an extra $32.50 commission for each person each month so $3,250 per month sounds a lot better than a $2 profit on each smoothie sale.

Increase Your Income

Finally, the fifth reason, but not the last reason, is it simply comes down to the ability for people to increase their income by helping additional clients.  All of us are in the business to help people.  Some of us are in the business to help people and make a substantial income.  When you help a lot of people, you will make a substantial income.  In the gym, as a Trainer, you are probably stuck to a certain hourly work week, and a number of sessions per week, for which you get a certain commission.  So your paycheck is directly proportionate to the number of hours you can work and people you can see.  My personal research indicates that the average personal trainer makes somewhere in the range of $25,000 to $45,000 per year.  Certainly some are less and some are higher, but the majority are somewhere in that range.  Let’s face it, that’s not going to create wealth, but it might provide some ability for you to do what you love.  As I said, income is directly proportionate to the number of people we help.  As Beachbody Coaches, you have the opportunity to expand your presence and help thousands of people at once.  It’s kind of like going from a one on one model to a group training class, but you multiply that group class by hundreds, because you can teach hundreds of people at once through social media!  Imagine if all these people were paying you just a slice of their revenue, and you getting retail commission from ongoing clients buying Shakeology, supplements, fitness programs, Ultimate Reset, etc.    Just as an example, and you can check the Beachbody official statement of earnings, but the AVERAGE Star Diamond Beachbody coach in 2012 made $90,700.  Can you, as a Gym Owner or a Personal Trainer, make an additional $25,000 – $100,000 per year doing what you are doing now?   I have friends in Beachbody making $50,000 a year, $100,000 a year, $500,000 per year, even $1.0 million per year!   This doesn’t happen overnight!  We invest extra hours into it, but how many extra hours would you have to invest to get that type of raise with what you’re doing now?  How much additional income could you use?  An extra $1,000 per month?  An extra $500 per month?  How about $10,000 per month?  Whatever you want, it’s entirely up to you and your efforts.  If you love Fitness and helping people, and are Coachable, I am sure you can succeed.  And I hope you are coachable, after all, you’re asking your clients to listen to you, so I hope you would listen to professional Beachbody Coaches to help you get the lifestyle/benefits you deserve!!

Is it worth it to you now to reconsider all the benefits of a Beachbody Coach business?   I look forward to speaking with you.  Please contact me through here or connect with me on Facebook!


Monday, June 24, 2013

Team Beachbody Coach Summit 2013 - Viva Las Vegas

This weekend I attended my first Team Beachbody Coach Summit. There were about 7000 coaches in attendance from all over the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico.

I started as a Beachbody Coach in late February and was looking forward to meeting other coaches at Summit to get business tips and do some networking. It was all I expected and more!! We attended business meetings, breakout sessions, group workouts, and partied, partied, partied! 

The highlights were the early morning, live workouts with people like Tony Horton, Shaun T, Chalene Johnson, and many more. I, mistakenly, thought the workouts would be easier because of the size of the groups and the fact they were live. Boy, was I WRONG!  Each trainer discovered a new muscle I hadn't used in a while. My hotel mates and I groaned everytime we moved after each workout. It was a BLAST and I can't wait for next year!

Below are pics and videos in no particular order and unedited so you can get a real feel for the weekend.




Links to various videos from Beachbody Coach Summit 2013. Check out the contestants for and winners of the $100,000 Beachbody Challenge!
Beachbody Challenge Contestant 19-29 yrs female
Beachbody Challenge Contestant 19-29 yrs male
Beachbody Challenge Contestant 30-49 yrs female
Beachbody Challenge Contestant 30-49 yrs male
 (In Spanish, but the video says it all!)
Beachbody Challenge Contestants 50 yrs and up male and female
Beachbody Challenge 2013 Winners
Beachbody Challenge Inspiration Award 2013 - Stuart Scott
Beachbody Coach Summit 2013 - Group Workout
Beachbody Coach Summit 2013 - Closing Celebration
 Beachbody Coach Summit 2013 - Shaun T Performance
Beachbody Coach Summit 2013 - Celebration Party


Friday, June 14, 2013

Be Still

Today I went on a solo hike to Andreas Canyon Hiking Trails. As I took in all the beautiful scenery, all I could think of was, "Be still." Each of us needs to find the time each day to simply be still and take in the beauty around us.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Changing Our Sickcare System

For quite some time I have been giving a lot of thought to the condition of our healthcare (really sickcare) system and what needs to be done to truly fix it. Here are some of the things I feel must be done to create a new paradigm:

1. Stop rewarding bad behavior.  By this I mean stop giving free healthcare benefits to people who make bad choices.  Many states have inacted laws to perform drug tests on welfare recipients in order for them to maintain their benefits (a really good idea). They also encourage "works" programs and provide daycare vouchers so people can go to school to better themselves and get off of  welfare.  Why can't people who are receiving disability benefits be encourged to stop being disabled?  Instead of continually covering medications, treatments, and doctors visits for years and years, why not also cover nutritional counseling, gym memberships, and give incentives for getting off of disability. People have no incentive to get better when the government (really the people) continues to foot the bill. Granted, not everyone can get off of disability, but I bet a whole lot of people could get off of it if they improved their lifestyles.  It always disturbs me when a patient tells me they are unable to work because of their weight as their family brings them in McDonald's and other fast foods. The other one that gets me are the people who can't work due to respiratory problems yet they continue to smoke and collect benefits...they then have the nerve to get upset when we tell them they have to pay for their prescriptions. Benefits should be reviewed twice a year and people have to provide proof that they are taking steps to get better.

2. Clearly outline what constitutes an "emergency" and penalize people for abusing emergency rooms. Make people pay for non-emergency visits to the ER...even if it is just $10 (it adds up).  ER's are not primary care physicians nor are they free clinics.  They do not provide continuity of care.  Instead, fund clinics and urgent care centers so they can have later hours so people have options and provide care on a sliding-scale basis to those who truly can't afford it are still able to get care.  However, this must be monitored and people have to provide proof that they truly cannot pay.  We have to eliminate the people who are continually abusing the system and driving up costs for everyone else.  Encourage people to use those clinics instead of running up bills in the ER for non-emergent illnesses.  Constipation is not an emergency unless your bowel is dying as a result. Neither doctors nor nurses went through their training to unblock your bowels. We also did not go to school to rehydrate you because you didn't have enough sense to not get drunk or because you were too cheap to buy Tylenol or Motrin for your fever but could still buy your cigarettes.

3. Require medical schools to start teaching students about diet and nutrition as part of their medical training.  Pills and surgery are not the only answer to treating illness. How about providing funding and training on teaching people how not to get sick. Not everything can be prevented with a better diet and nutrition, but many things can.  Doctors and all healthcare professionals should be about promoting health and not just about treating illness.  We have to change the medical paradigm of closing the barn door after the horse is already out.  We need more upstream thinking as it relates to healthcare vs sickcare.

4. Give people more options in regard to their terminally ill loved ones. Some states have innacted assisted suicide. People with terminal illnesses should be able to make their own decisions about quality of life.  Families should be able to also make decisions about the quality of life for their loved ones.  Our nursing homes are overflowing with elderly people who can't eat on their own, can no longer walk, have no cognative ability, have no control of their bowel or bladder. Essentially, they are simply a human shell being kept alive because people either aren't ready to or are unable to let them go. Most Americans don't want to accept that dying is part of the life cycle.  We all must die sometime and we owe it to our elders to give them a good death and not one of humiliation and suffering.  Many people never see the inside of a nursing home or acute, long-term care facility. I think if more people were aware of what really goes on in those facilities, they might have different thoughts about sustaining the lives of loved ones who are alive, but no longer living.

5. Provide more funding for school lunch programs to allow them to provide children with truly healthier choices so we aren't creating sick, overweight adults. Part of prenatal care classes should cover nutrition for mother and baby that will actually promote health over the long haul.  Have comprehensive nutrition classes as part of the curriculum in all public schools.

I believe that all of these recommendations are doable.  They will just take some legislators having the courage to go against the status quo and realize that for our country and our economy to survive some drastic changes must be made that will benefit everyone.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Are you getting your vegetables and fruits?!

With our busy schedules, most people find it impossible to eat all the recommended fruits and vegetables required to maintain a healthy diet. I have found a way to make it happen all in one meal! Contact me for more information.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

A new prescription

Not all doctors are about writing prescriptions. There are doctors who are now actually promoting health and wellness. They are no longer focused on treating disease over preventing disease.  One hundred doctors speaking out in a new way:

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Treatment vs Cure

Last night a 59 yr old man comes in having a stroke. He had just finished dinner and was talking with his wife and friends when he suddenly stopped making any sense. He was talking but his words were all jumbled.  He was the picture of health. He worked out twice a day and kept a journal of what he ate.  His wife waited 20 minutes before calling 911.
First lesson, time is cells, time is muscle.  Never, ever wait if you think someone is having a stroke.  The faster you can get them to help, the faster interventions can be taken. Those 20 minutes could have cost him his life.  Fortunately, his symptoms resolved and his speech returned to normal, but this is not always the case.  I work at a Stroke Center so we are all trained on the protocols for stroke.  If your nearest hospital is not a Stroke Center, then they will have to transfer you to one, which takes time.  The longer you wait to get in, the less likely it will be that the medical staff will get you to help in time.
Second lesson, never believe you are doing everything you can.  There will always be room for improvement as new information is found about health and what promotes it.  Keep your mind open to things even when they may seem strange because they could mean the difference between illness and health.  Don’t get so settled into a diet routine that you develop tunnel vision.  
After speaking with him about what he felt was the “perfect” diet, I found that he was eating white rice and white potatoes almost every day.  He was eating very few leafy greens or various colored veggies because he believed that lots of meat protein and carbs were the answer.  He was taking commercial protein powders in large amounts.  He had no idea that his diet had created the environment for the clot that broke free and caused his stroke.  He also thought the medications he was on for high cholesterol and high blood pressure were protecting him, which leads me to the third lesson.
Third lesson, medication IS NOT A CURE!  Medication is only and always will be a treatment…like putting a band-aid on a cut.  The band-aid does not heal the cut.  It only covers it up.  Medications treat symptoms but do not correct the problems that led to the disease.  You must do your part to create health.  Very few doctors will do what is necessary to cure you.  They will do everything to treat you.  Treating you keeps you coming back for follow-up visits and medication refills.  Curing you is bad for business.